Design patterns are reusable approaches to common problems - anti-patterns are
the same, but ineffective (and even counterproductive).
An example of a design pattern is the
singleton - we often want to
allow access to a resource, without incurring the cost of building it over and
over. Computationally, this means restricting the instantiation of a class to a
singleton, and then coordinating access to it where needed.
Anti-patterns can include code
smells (like the infamous “spaghetti”),
but are often less technical. Any process that inhibits effective development is
cast as an anti-pattern. Long meetings, analysis paralysis, planning too much
and planning too little - all this and more is categorized and enumerated as
reasons for poor engineering outcomes.
Generalizing failures from producers to their ecosystem is a good thing. Yet
this approach has a blind spot - nontechnical failures can also occur in purely
technical contexts. And so I introduce a new engineering anti-pattern - superstition.
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